‘A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.’

…BIRTHDAYS! :party:

So many of my friends and family have birthdays in the month of September! Not only is today my birthday, but my boss’s birthday! And I marvel at the fact that she and I were born on the same day, same year, only about 6 hours apart. How strange is that??? Since I am only 29, she definitely must be also!

Happy Birthday to those who have September birthdays: Carolyn C, Ashley, Sandy S, my brother Fred, my stepmother Judi (so sorry I forgot to call! love ya!), my aunt Beth, my friend Peggy, Lynda M,.

If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me!

Just finished Susan Elizabeth Phillips ‘Match Me if You Can’ and loved it! Laughed out loud in several places. Now working on Candace Havens new ‘Charmed and Ready’. Got about a third of it read last night. Both of these writers have such definite ‘voices’. Having heard both of these talented authors speak, I can actually ‘hear’ them in their writing.

Yesterday I spent about an two hours helping Michelle with her new house. Talk about cute! Felt bad because I didn’t have any more time than that to give, but hopefully helped a little.

Off to celebrate today. My dh asked what I would like to do and didn’t cringe or comment negatively when the answer was ‘shopping’. Will let you know what I come home with!


This entry was posted on Sunday, September 24th, 2006 at 10:03 am and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

5 Responses to “september is the month for…”

Dennie Says:

:party: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :party:

Gloria Says:

:bananadance:HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUU:bananadance::lol::grin:
LOVE YOU:angel:

Bailey Stewart Says:

I didn’t know today was your birthday! :party:

It’s also Stacy Dawn’s birthday today – that I had written down, but I guess I never knew yours – sorry, I’ll do better next year.

Hope you’ve had a good day.

Bailey Stewart Says:

I guess I need to look at the date you posted. Happy day after your birthday. Sheesh – I’m really getting bad.:no:

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